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Apr 16
From Babble to Brilliance: Understanding Early Child Development

The Importance of Early Childhood Development Once upon a time, I was an adorable,…

Apr 16
Raising Resilient Kids: Conservative Parenting in Modern Society

In today’s society which is taking new turns at record speeds, it’s…

Apr 15
Dramatic Play: How It Benefits Your Child’s Development

As parents and educators, we often hear about the importance of play in a…

Apr 07
Tech vs. Nature: Finding the Right Balance

In today’s world, technology plays an important role in our daily lives, from…

Apr 06
7 Life Skills that Should be Part of Homeschooling

It’s true, you have the unique opportunity to shape your child’s education…

Apr 04
Simple Enough: Balancing Tradition and Modernity

Our family has moved a lot. 8 times in 10 years, actually. From NY and Boston to…

Apr 04
Homeschooling: Addressing the Root Cause of Education Challenges

Homeschooling is a growing trend in education that is gaining popularity among parents…

Apr 02
Teaching Children Independence and Cooperation: Finding a Balance

Teaching children to be independent while also emphasizing the importance of…

Mar 31
The Developmental Significance of Pretend Characters

Spoiler alert: don’t leave this article open on your screen for younger readers!…

Mar 29
Understanding the Impact of Time of Day on a Child’s Behavior

As any parent can attest, children’s behavior can vary greatly depending on the…